

Monday 28 September 2009

Project Shower Room has started

Project Shower Room has started

After about 18 months of procrastination I have finally made a start of the shower room refit.

The catalyst was the procurement of a rather excellent inset basin from Mortimer Bones, which she had in turn acquired from someone else, but it didn't fit in the space available. Those of you that know Bones will appreciate that she has encountered this sort of setback on more than one occasion, hiccups that she describes with remarkable style.

In a burst of enthusiasm I decided to have a crack at making the basin surround first, using some measurements I took about six months ago. I can see that this is going to turn into a significant winter project so I will track is progress from time to time in my blog. I mapped out a template of surface on some scrap hardboard first, and then centred the basin on it on a best fit basis. After a few false starts I found the optimum position, marked round it and cut the hole out with a jigsaw.

I was relieved to find that the basin fits snugly into its cradle but not half as relieved as I will be when the end result fits into the space on the boat.

So far so good.

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