

Monday 14 March 2011

The King's Speech

The King's Speech
March 2011

We have been wanting to see this film for months, since it was released way back before Belle's accident. But with Belle's eyesight not returning to its normal self as fast as we had hoped, the trip to the cinema was much delayed.

In the meantime Colin Firth was nominated for and duly received his Best Actor Oscar for his portrayal of the tongue tied King George VI. Such is the success of the film that it is still showing regularly at our local Showcase, which was good news for us.

This is a truly great film, one which unusually portrays the Royal Family in a very human and positive light. The background to the story is well known - George V dies and Edward assumes the crown, only to fall for Mrs Simpson and then abdicates. This thrusts George unexpectedly onto the throne on the eve of World War Two. But king George has a problem - a major speech impediment which renders him tongue tied when speaking publicly - which is a major problem in his line of work.

His wife (the perennially lovely Helen Bonham-Carter) finds an unorthodox speech therapist and so the story continues. The tale covers the unsteady blooming of their friendship, an unusual partnership of equals in  world where kings and commoners don't usually meet.

The film drags you in , the audience willing him on over every faltering syllable culminating in the powerful delivery of The Kings Speech at the outbreak of war. The crowds cheered, the radio technicians cheered, his family cheered and so did we inside our hearts. Its a heart warming tale of triumph over adversity, a human king facing his fears and leading a frightened nation into war.

Well worth a watch and Colin Firth is a worthy winner of his Oscar. 

1 comment:

  1. I endorse your comments it WAS a well executed and heart warming film and Colin Firth deserved that Oscar.
