

Saturday 26 May 2012

Easter 2012 - Pontcysyllte

Easter 2012
Pontcysyllte Aqueduct
April 2012

I could write reams about this famous aqueduct, Telford's masterpiece soaring 120 feet above the Vale of Llangollen. Built by Telford and Jessop in 1804 and the tallest boat crossing in its day. Even now this world heritage site attracts 100's of thousands of visitors each year.

The structure is amazing and words fail to do it justice. I spent a couple of hours walking round it, viewing it from all angles and I have to admit that I found it difficult to get that killer shot which captures its enormity. Maybe I will settle for less words and more photos, so here is what I came up with:

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely cracking photos, Andy. My favourite is the one with the yellow flowers, followed by the top one.
