

Thursday 7 February 2013

Carpenter or Contortionist?

Replacement loo update
Feb 2013

Time moves on and the new loo was finally delivered. I had a few scare moments when I doubted the wisdom of buying it off the internet. What I thought was a UK motorhome company turned out to the internet site for a Irish Camping shop, who has to import from Denmark who supplied to a main UK importer who then routed it via a local distributor whose schedule was messed up by the snow.

New loo back panel in place

Confused? Well, it took a month to arrive and my heart was in my mouth for a while. Much joy and celebration ensued in chez Ahab when this huge box was hauled up the ski slope which passed for our drive.

So now to fit it in. I had measured carefully and built a back panel to fit it to, complete with a little shelf because I knew there was space. Big mistake - nothing ever fits 1st time on a boat does it?

The throne room takes shape

After much huffing and puffing the back panel was adapted to fit the vagaries of the boat, the bottom of the wardrobe removed to allow the cassette to be removed and a spare stored, the shelf in the wardrobe raised by 1cm to give clearance (how annoying to be less than 1cm too low) and the piping all threaded through.

Adapted bottom of wardrobe to conceal the spare cassette

Now don't get me wrong, I like doing carpentry but on the boat there is never any space. I spend my time contorted into all manner of positions to get access to the various bits, sitting on tools and generally being frustrated.

But the job is progressing. It will fit, the plumbing will work, the electricity supply is accessible and it now mainly a matter of tidying it all up and  getting it varnished before the grand fixing in.

Its not finished yet but we are getting there.


  1. It's looking good. When our current stock of Elsan Blue runs out (we buy it in bulk) we are going over to "Elsan Blue Bags", they're small bags of Blue that you drop into an empty tank, they dissolve and release the chemical when you add a bit of water, we've tested them and found they work well and are much easier to store than the liquid.

  2. That sounds like a really good idea Ray.

  3. t ser bra. Når vår nåværende lager av ELSAN Blå løper ut (vi kjøper den i bulk) vi går over til "ELSAN Blå Bags", de er små poser av Blue at du slipper inn i en tom tank, de oppløses og slipp den kjemiske når du legge litt wate

    snekker moss

  4. And for those of you not well versed in Norwegian Bing translates it as:

    t look good. When our current stock of ELSAN Blue runs out (we buy it in bulk) we walk over to the "ELSAN Blue Bags", they're little bags of Blue that you drop into an empty tank, they dissolve and release the chemical when you add some moss on wate Carpenter.

    A little shaky at the start and finish but I think Brodahl is offering an endorsement!
