

Thursday 11 April 2013

Water Under the Bridge - book review

Water Under the Bridge
by Julian Holland
April 2013

Helen picked this book up for the princely sum of £2.50 - and well worth the money it was.

It has to be said that its a coffee table book really - lots of great photos and some engaging narrative to provide context.

It no great classic, in fact its something of a light weight. It does not try to cover the whole system but instead take some contrasting waterways and focus's in on them. It offers a light historical perspective for each chapter (my sort of history) and then expands this into an easy to read account of what you can expect to see if you visit.

Then there are the photos which are simply superb - a delight to savour.

Its not the sort of book you read from cover, but rather something you dip into as your curiosity leads you. 

A good read and something guests on board would really enjoy. Something to leave on the boat rather than to become a cornerstone of my reference library.

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