

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Stourport to Droitwich

Stourport to Droitwich
May 2013

Thursday dawned clear and bright with wall to wall sunshine beating down from a cloudless sky.

Mooring ring in Stourport

We had hardly seen a boat for days and made a solitary descent into the town basin where we refilled with water and paid the obligatory visit to Limekiln Chandlers for various bits and bobs.
As usual, we had an extensive audience as we descended the staircase locks, passing a silent funfair and out onto a placid Severn.

Stourport Bridge

After weeks of frosts and cold it was a delight to cruise down this might waterway, flowing at a sluggish pace on this occasion. All very pleasant and the entrance to the Droitwich Barge Canal came up all to soon, the bottom lock still covered in mud from the winter floods.

Droitwich Junction with River Severn

The Droitwich is a firm favourite and this year it is in sparkling form. The reeds have been trimmed back and at last some moorings have emerged on the lower reaches. This is not a canal to hurry - slow down and enjoy.

 Droitwich bridge 1


  1. Just found your blog. Beautiful photos.Love your book reviews. im always looking for new to me, old books on the canals, a couple you list Ive not seen before. Intrigued by geoffrey lewis are they fiction? as he has written several with children on narrowboats. Also sue, (her indoors) is into preserves and we have not heard of the dandelion jelly. we have hundreds here this year. A favourite 2 books of mine are by shane acton called shrimpy. Is that your full book list or are there others? Colin

  2. Colin
    It is pretty much the whole list I have read over the last 3 years except the very technical ones. Geoffrey Lewis is quite prolific and has written a series of novels about children on the cut. I see him from time to time when we both exhibit at the same canal festivals - he will probably be at the Blisworh festival in the summer.

  3. Cracking photos! Love the reflections in the first one particularly.

