

Saturday 22 March 2014

Jam Butty update

Montgomery developments
March 2014

Its been a while since I provided an update on the construction of The Jam Butty, aka Montgomery.

Truth be told I have been too busy redecorating the house to give it a great deal of thought, but today the BSC was due on Wand'ring Bark so I drove to Stretton Wharf to take a look. The last time I saw Montgomery I was a little disappointed about the progress but not so today. 

With other jobs about the yard nearing completion more time has been assigned to shaping its bows - and very attractive bows they are too. Lots of curved and shaped steel and beneath some double doors just big enough to take a washing machine, exactly as requested.

The doors have also been fitted to the cabin bulkhead and bar a little bit of welding its reaching completion.

In a couple of weeks the hull is being shot blasted and coated in two pack epoxy blacking which should offer the century old hull some good protection. And there lies the next challenge. When I mentioned the butty to my insurer they coughed and spluttered at the 20 years old stern which escalated to apoplexy at the thought of the 100 year old riveted hull. An out of water hull survey is needed, so it looks like I will be calling on the services of Trevor Whiteling

So all being well we will be towing Montgomery back to calf heath by the end of April where I will paint the back cabin, build a cratch plate and sort out some sheeting for the hold. All exciting stuff.


  1. Are you going to keep the superstructure similar to original, or expand the cabin?

    I don't know much about canal boats, so I'm not sure what the layout would be- the back cabin's woodwork looks gorgeous, though.

  2. Paul
    The back cabin will remain as it is because ist a very good reproduction of an original horse drawn Josher cabin - We will make it very traditional. The hold will just be covered in sheeting (black tarpaulin) which can be removed at festivals.
