April 2014
My regular trips to North Walsham often include a trip to the North Walsham and Dilham.
Canal at Ebridge
For decades it was a gradual decline into weed clogged obscurity but now a small band og enthusiastic restorers are bringing it back to life. The pound above Ebridge has been full for a couple of years and is a fantastic amenity enjoyed by many who can stroll along the well tended towpath and watch the swans glide up and down against the backdrop of the empty watermill.
Further up a lock has been restored and stands complete save for bottom gates. Wood for the gates stands ready on a nearby yard - old railway sleepers and coastal sea defence groynes.
Home made lock gates
The original cast iron balance beams - reused.
Beyond the lock work is progressing in the channel with lots of big boys toys being used to build up the banks, dredge the channel and generally make ready for re watering which will see water return to the Swafield Watermill, and the lock brought fully back into service.
The next section to be watered - by the end of 2014?
All this progress is very exciting as there will soon be a couple of miles of navigable canal, a working lock and a working watermill to experience - scope for a trip boat I would say.
To rewater Bacton Wood Mill, not Swafield Mill