

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Lost Wonders of the Waterways World - Photo Competition

C&RT Photo Competition
Lost Wonders of the Waterways World

February 2015

When I saw that the C&RT are running a new photography competition to capture some atmospheric images of the lost waterways I just had to enter (closing date 10th April).

And there are some serious prizes being offered with £500 for the winner and £250 for two runners up.

As you can imagine, I have no shortage of material but as many of my images are for the deeply lost sections of the BCN many have "atmosphere" but possibly not the sort to encourage Joe Public to get on their boots and have a look one Sunday afternoon.

I soon had over 20 images in my short list for submission and I am very fond of all of them.

However, I suspect that many of you have some cracking images so do enter and share your secret hidden gems with a wider audience.

Here is my full short list - I am not saying which ones I entered, but they are all there on the C&RT gallery....

 Bentley Canal from the Anson Arm

 Donington Wood Canal

 Fens Branch of the Stourbridge Canal

 Hatherton Branch Canal

 Ketley Canal

 Newport Canal - Forton Skew Bridge

 Humber Arm

 Ogley Locks at Pipehill

 Interchange Basin at Ridgeacre BCN

 Ridgeacre Branch BCN

 Shrewsbury Canal - Berwick Tunnel

 Shrewsbury Canal

 Longden on Tern Aqueduct

 Longden on Tern Aqueduct

 Longden on Tern Aqueduct

 Slough Arm BCN

  Slough Arm BCN
 Tat Bank Branch, BCN

 Trench Arm

 Trench Arm

Wyrley Bank Branch, BCN


  1. Fantastic pictures Andy, good luck with the competition.

  2. Superb! Especially the Hatherton Branch Canal, and Forton Skew Bridge shots.
    Good Luck!

  3. Wonderful evocative pictures as always. Bound to be a winner amongst them.

  4. Yes, not much point my entering anything having seen your photos!

  5. John - not a bit of it! You have explored lots of bits I havnt so I am sure you have some excellent images in your library.

  6. Terrific photos andy! Definitely make me want to take a walk to find these lovely spots!

  7. There is a melancholic beauty about many of the lost canals, even in the depths of the Black Country.
