

Friday 18 December 2015

A big thanks to all those who voted for me

C&RT National Council Elections
December 2015

I would like to say a big thank you to all the Business Boaters that voted for me in the recent C&RT elections.

I am pleased to announce that I was successful on this, my second attempt to win a seat on the Council.

The first meeting is in March 2016 and I will do all I can to ensure that the needs of the Business Boating community are fully represented.

With the elections over I will start to post my blog entries again.

Thanks again for all your support.


  1. YAAAAAAY! Great news Andy, so pleased for you. 2016 is going to be an awesome year for you both, as you start your new chapter in life ;-)

  2. Congratulations Andy! Or do we call you "Sir" now?

    And we are looking forward to the resumption of your blog posts too!!!

  3. Hearty congrats Capt!!

    I am so pleased for you. You made a huge effort last time and this time you have done it!

    There was a much better turn out of voters for the Trading boats and I am looking forward to seeing you actually being active media wise towards your fellow traders.

    This might give some insight into whether us private boaters get the same from our elected bunch!

    Well done you

  4. Well done, Andy! Are the actual voting figures available, for the private boating section as well as the business section?

  5. Halfie
    The detailed results with explanations can be found here:

  6. Well done Andy,best man got the job. Chris and Marilyn

  7. Thanks one and all. I am looking forward to playing my part in this role.
