

Saturday 8 April 2017

CRT National Council jottings

CRT National Council meeting
22nd March 2017 - Bath

Following my recent notes on the National Users Forum here are the notebook jottings from the National Council meeting in March:

Richard Parry's update

The Trusts income rose to £203m last year, breaking the £200m barrier for the first time - up from a £190m plan. This was mainly attributable to the income obtained for repairs to the Rochdale Canal.

Costs were also £203m and the books balanced exactly.

The capital assets of the Trust increased by £23m - mainly from the commercial property portfolio. Since 2012 £100m of property has been sold and £41m bought - mainly in Manchester (£14m) and Bristol (£15m)

Significant areas of expense outside routine maintenance were £1.5m for and extra mile and a half on the Montgomery, £300k of historic boat restoration and £2.5m on the Monmouth and Brecon.

Infrastructure condition has trended towards improvement whilst staff injuries have increased.

Serious incidents have occurred including a death at Trevor (individual outside railings) and the release of sediment on the Monmouth and Brecon.

DEFRA performance targets are all being met.

Licensing - Phase three ready in Autumn.
London Moorings - engagement phase has ended.
Winter Moorings - demand up 40%
1250 boats in enforcement process - down 25%
600 CC'ers subject to active monitoring - down 15% (2/3 on K&A / London)
116 Cases with solicitors - 37 resolved before court  action, 32 Court Order Outstanding, 38 and ongoing. Still no landmark test case to provide clarity.

The DB Pension Scheme is now closed with a defecit which is currently covered by a portion of the Property estate. There is a small net defecit which is being monitored / addressed.

Other issues and updates were offered - most of which have been  covered in the User Forum notes.

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