

Friday 27 November 2020

Pelsall Common in the frost

November 2020

I ventured out to one of my favourite local destinations yesterday, as part of my filming for the next series of Canal Hunter, a trip which took me to Pelsall Common.

The morning was barely above freezing and for once the normally soft grass of the common was frozen solid, which allowed me to cycle from the Finger Post to Pelsall Works Bridge at the far end where my story was to begin.

The sun was just rising and I just couldn't resist digging my DSLR from the bottom of my camera bag and grabbing a few atmospheric shots:

Cannock Extension Canal

The start of a 5.5 mile canal built in 1860 to access the new Cannock Coalfield. Today just the first mile and a half remain as far as the A5.

Pelsall Common looking north

The three huge ironworks stood on the common ground on the left, but all traces were gone by 1900.

The same site on Pelsall Common in the 1860's

North from Pelsall Works Bridge

Pelsall Common Colliery was on the right with its basin, followed by the mine pumping engine.

Pelsall Common from Pelsall Works Bridge

Midland Spelter Works were on the left and Pelsall Wood Colliery with  its basin and mineral railway bridge on the right.


  1. Hi Andy
    Following this current stuff closely, it's on home turf. Your attention to detail is awesome. Your Canal Hunter series as a digital archive of the BCN amongst other areas ranks ######, up there with Hadfield, Rolt, Broadbridge, Harry Arnold for photography. You mentioned Malcolm Braine last time, & Ian, presumably his son? Difficult question is Malcolm still with us?, must be a good age. He lived at Colwich, walking distance from me, met him a couple of times in the 70's, abrasive character but his boatyard at Norton Canes alongside Dennis Cooper, noted for tug style builds, were the dog's wotsits thereabouts....long gone.
    (Liam's Dad)

  2. Hi Michael - I am glad you have been enjoying the series. I had a lovely afternoon with Malcolm and Ian back in September (when visiting was still allowed) and he generously spent and hour or two chatting through some slides of the northern BCN which I soaked up like a proverbial sponge. Hopefully he will be able to share some more memories when COVID abates.

  3. I love watching your series Andy. My two grandfather's where both barges, both died before I was born. My grandad Enoch lived in walsall and my grandad eli lived in cheslyn hay. I don't have any information. Your series gives me an insight as to what their lives where like. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with me, regards Mike.
