

Wednesday 22 December 2010

2010 Top 10 - No 10 Vale Royal

2010 Top Ten Boating Moments
Number ten - Vale Royal
Weaver Navigation

My Easter trip to Manchester with Jeff included four days on the Weaver Navigation, and what a hidden gem.

First light at Vale Royal Weir

The highlight of the trip was the last morning. We had moored up above Vale Royal Lock (they close at 4.00pm) opposite the wier.

Having spent a night lulled by the tinkle of water running over the wier I awoke at first light to find the boat crusted with frost and ventured out armed with my camera. This was the view  which greeted me from the stern of Wand'ring Bark, mist rising from mirror calm waters and the first shafts of sunlight bathing the distant trees with a warming glow.


  1. Good choice (not that you need my approval!) - I can't believe that some boaters just go up and down the Anderton lift without venturing up to Vale Royal - it's a beautiful cruise.

    Sue, nb Indigo Dream

  2. Sue
    I was very taken with the Weaver. OK the southern end at the chemical works hs a bit too much "character", but it is a lovely and very quiet waterway.
