

Tuesday 21 December 2010

2010's Top Ten Boating Moments

2010's Top Ten Boating Moments
19th December 2010

With 2010 rapidly drawing to  close I found myself idly leafing through the year's boating memories.

I think I can say with utter certainty that 2010 was the most difficult and troubled year of my life, and those of you that know us personally will have some idea of the issues we have been facing as a family. That said, 2010 was also a bumper year for boating and as I reflect I realise that my cumulative time afloat this year neared eight weeks, if you count the weekends. Thats a lot of aquatic therapy to sooth my ruffled feathers.

Those weeks aboard have been tracked in this blog and etched onto the hull of Wand'ting Bark in a myriad of stratches, but most of all they represent a huge reservoir of happy memories.

So, I thought, what better way to finish the year than to identify my top ten boating moments of 2010. 

I will publish this top ten over the remaining days of 2010, but because the moments are so different they will come, as they say on the X Factor results, in no particular order.

I guess that the whole Blog tells of my passion for the inland waterways, but I hope you enjoy these final cameos of the year just gone. Thank you all for you support and concern - it has been appreciated.

2011 is a New Year, filled with the promise of more happy times, both on the water and off. 

God bless you all.

As a taster, here is a moment which didnt' make it into the top ten, but was one of sublime beauty right at the end of the season in November on the Shroppie. 

The sight of the shafts of sunlight breaking through the mist caused me to stop and get off the boat. I know it's my own picture but I really think it's stunning.


  1. Capt, That sure is a stunning picture.. Well done

  2. Looking forward to your best bits - as you say, boating is a balm for all ills. I've been leafing through our own blog and have been amazed by how many fine memories have been buried by this year's onshore niggles.

    It's good to look back and the photos are priceless!

    Have a great Christmas.

    Sue, nb Indigo Dream
