Book Review

If you suffer form SAD (Seasonal Adjustment Disorder) during the long winter months away form the waterways here is the perfect antidote.

If you suffer form SAD (Seasonal Adjustment Disorder) during the long winter months away form the waterways here is the perfect antidote.
160 pages and 130 glorious colour photographs covering the best of the navigable canals and some which remain under restoration.
Its a coffee table book I return to again and again, each time being refreshed by the fantastic photos of Robert Reichenfield and the absorbing narrative of Martin Evans. If you cant get out there on the canals, and you have exhausted the scope of my blog this is the answer.
If you don't have a copy, search one out. I can't do the photos justice - you will need to check them our for yourself.
ISBN 0-75380-533-2
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