Wednesday 2 November 2011

Driffield Navigation by kayak - Riverhead

Driffield Navigation by kayak (part 2)
Riverhead, Driffield
August 2011

You couldn't hope for a prettier head of navigation than Riverhead in Driffield. The top pound is surrounded with old mills and warehouses, some converted into housing and some still operating. To say it has atmosphere is an understatement and what a perfect mooring if only boats could get there.

Driffield, Rivehead Mills

The council has made a feature of the area, which has included the restoration of two rather lovely old cranes which fit in so well against the soundtrack of a working grain mill. This place looks right, smells right and sounds right. All in all a heady mix for a canal buff.

Dont take my word for it - look at the pictures:

Bradshaw and Sons Ltd

Mortimers warehouse - any relation Bones?

 Waterside cranes

Access to the navigation is via a slipway which runs from the hard standing in from of Mortimers working grain mill, with plenty of parking along the road. You can just see the slipway in the extreme left of the following photo.

The mills at Riverhead

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