Friday 4 February 2011

Fame at last - Belle has become a centrefold!

Belle reveals all to Canal Boat
4th Feb 2011

The March edition of Carnal Boat arrived through the post today and there I was, flipping through its glossy pages when my eyes alighted on the "Me and My Boats" section - always a favourite of mine.

I was brought up short. Wow, that boat's colour scheme is almost exactly the same as Wand'ring Bark. Hang on a minute - it is Wand'ring Bark!

Then I remembered. A few months ago Belle submitted an article about her ensnarement into the world of canal boats and I was asked to provide a selection of photos. I thought no more about it and assumed that it was of no interest to them. Obviously I was wrong.

Now she is famous, a legend in he own lunch box, a published author with he face in a glossy magazine. Maybe they should start a new column called "boaters wives" - that might increase circulation a bit....

So now I can keep a copy of a "glossy magazine" in my bedside table without fear of being misunderstood. Belle a centrefold, who would believe it!


Halfie said...

A fascinating Freudian slip, Andy: Carnal Boat!

Halfie said...

(meant to add) My copy arrived today - I usually start at the beginning and read through to the end, but I might just make an exception and head for Belle's article first.

Andy Tidy said...

Belle told me that people would think I couldn't spell.....

Brian and Diana on NB Harnser said...

Did she get paid for it?

Andy Tidy said...

I think thats the deal - its probably in the post!

nb chance said...

Great article and well written, got my copy the other day and wondered why you hadn't blogged about it. Must have been a surprise to you both. Keep up the wonderful blog. Doug

Del and Al said...

That's great, nice surprise! Will pick up a copy next week and have a read.....