Monday 8 November 2010

Juliana - another Taylors wooden boat

Another Taylors wooden boat
8th November 2010

Word is out there that I have an interest in Taylors wooden boats and on our recent trip round the Four Counties Ring I spied yet another example at Barbridge Junction.

This one is Juliana, a 31 foot clinker built boat built in 1964. Possibly not the smartest of the fleet but very much afloat and used.

I see that other boaters out there have an eye for the quality of these cruisers:

This rather quirky game is something of a waterways equivalent of spotting Eddie Stobart or Norbert Dressentantle lorries - but they are much harder to find. Martin - thanks for the tip off.

More of the Four Counties / Caldon Canal trip in the coming weeks. 

Did we make it through the Froghall Tunnel? There is a story attached to that but you will have to read on.

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