Saturday 30 January 2010

And the winner is.....

Stop Press: 
Results of Huddersfield Canal Society's annual photography competiton announced.
January 2010

The Huddersfield Canal Society's quarterly magazine 'Pennine Link' dropped through my letterbox yesterday. The HNC's magazine is always something to behold, a small circulation publication which oozes quality, reflecting the love they have for their newly restored Canal.

A few months back they asked for entries to this years photographic competition, and I was tempted to enter a couple of items taken from our trip over the Pennines last Easter. Then realised that they only accepted prints, which all seemed too much hassle.

Well their latest Winter 2009 edition contains half A4 sized prints of the winning entries, and I was struck by the winner, taken by John Brierley.

His photo of nb Hephzibah at Uppermill in the snow is spectacularly beautiful, especially with the warmth of the early morning sunlight playing across her sides. A little touch of 'ice and fire'.

I thought this worthy winner deserved a bit if additional exposure on the Web. Nice one John.


life afloat on nb tickety boo said...

I agree, what a gorgeous photo!


Anonymous said...

That's me! We had a lovely winter moored around Uppermill and were photographed many times while ice-breaking to a water point or for fuel.
We even appeared on the local tv weather report.

Thank you for such a good photo of my home. I think I'll try printing a copy for framing if that's ok?

Give us a shout if you see us again. Your welcome aboard. (and she should be repainted by spring 2012.)

Dave on nb.Hephzibah.

Andy Tidy said...

Its one of John Brierley's photo's from last years competition - not mine. My version is a poor scan of the version in PLINK, but if you ask Bob Gough for a copy for printing I am sure he will oblige.
If you want to see the winning entries from this year keep an eye on my blog for the next few days!
I love Uppermill!