Tuesday 4 January 2011

Humber Bridge

Humber Bridge
January 2011

We spent our Christmas in Hull, with Belle trying hard to get over her operation.

Humber Bridge from Hessle foreshore

The temperature never even flickered near zero on the east coast, so we took a stroll along the Hessle foreshore in a bracing minus three with the wind sweeping in over a frigid Humber Estuary. This is a favourite spot, with the mighty Humber bridge reaching out over the swirling waters to the low hills of North Lincolnshire a misty mile and a bit away to the south. There is something quite humbling about these mega structures.

                                                    Humber Bridge - with telephoto lens

This was also an excellent opopportunity to give the new telephoto lens a workout. The results delighted me, with the misty shots of the far tower brought within my range for the first time.

Humber Bridge - north tower

There were no boats on the move, but who would venture out on a day when icebergs were sliding past on an ebb tide?


Naughty-Cal said...

Its even more enchanting as you slip underneath the bridge on your own boat. Its amazing how structures you see day after day change from the water level.

Great photos. We shall have to enroll you next time we go under the bridge as official photographer:)

Jaqueline Almdale said...

Hello Captain,
Splendid bridge pictures. The top one especially reminds me of pictures taken of the Golden Gate bridge stretching away to the distance. Your pic would make a lovely painting. You really captured the light gorgeously. Did you use your new camera bits? Happy New Year!
Warm regards,

Andy Tidy said...

Naughty-Cal - I have a huge desire to journey up the Humber on the water. I have seen it undertaken by Narrowboat but the steep chop makes me very nervous!
Jaqueline - Yes the distant shots used my new telephoto lens - but not at full magnification.

Naughty-Cal said...

I dont think i would want to travel the Humber on a narrowboat to be fair, but it can be done if you pick the weather and right tides.

The wash/wake from the larger ships is often more trouble than the actual chop near the bridge. Good fun for us as we use them to jump from but not so good in a narrowboat i would expect!!