Sunday 20 June 2010


Beaudesert - Duke of Edinburgh training
June 2010

I think I may have mentioned that I am training to be a Duke of Edinburgh Award Expedition Supervisor. This is a great thing to do but is rather time consuming - about 8 weekends between Easter and the summer which equates to about one on and one off.

Evening sunsine
Actually, the training isn't DofE specific, and is a general Basic Expedition Leadership NVQ qualification. It's also not that hard, if fact it is largely navigation and walking which is anything but a chore, but it is time away from the family. The bad bit is having to sleep out in tents, an activity which I had mentally put behind me when we bought Wand'ring Bark.

Ornate chimneys

Hey ho - last weekend it was Beaudesert on Cannock Chase plus tent selection, expedition food and group leadership. Whilst everyone else was watching the pre match build up (England vs USA) I went for a photographic wander.

Scouting ampetheatre

Open fires are encouraged

An amazing display of rhododendrons


Halfie said...

Apart from the cables and foliage, the chimney stack also sports what looks like alarm sirens and, to top it all, literally, a coolie hat from a narrowboat chimney!

Andy Tidy said...

You should have seen it before I cloned out most of the other wires!