Tuesday 19 May 2020

Farmers Bridge to Digbeth area

Farmers Bridge to Digbeth area

Deep Cutting Junction 1978

Top of farmers Bridge at Cambrian Wharf with tug Bittell - Laurence Hogg slide collection

Farmers Bridge Top lock BCNS Archive

Farmers Bridge Top Lock with gas light holder

Farmers Bridge Locks 1913

Whitmore Arm 2012

BCNS Archive

Farmers Bridge Locks before redevelopment

Farmers Bridge Locks at Snow Hill

Withymore Branch 1913

Withymore Branch 1981

Widening the Snow Hill Bridge in 1971 - Birmingham Library

The Digbeth Branch and its Ashted Locks are far from lost but the rate of redevelopment in the area in the first couple of decades of the 21st Century have rendered the place almost unrecognisable. Only the line of the canal remains true to its origins and these images capture how the surrounds used to look.

Ashted 2nd Lock down BCNS archive

BCNS Archive

BCNS Archive

BCNS Archive

Banana Warehouse Digbeth - BCNS Archive

Digbeth at The Bond


The above photos have been assembled from various sources, including those freely found on the internet. My thanks go to the many photographers alive and dead who have contributed to this collection and in so doing, are keeping the memory of these lost canals alive. These images are reproduced for ease of research are are not necessarily the property of this blog, and as such should not be used for commercial gain without the explicit permission of the owner (whoever that may be).

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