Thursday, 15 April 2010

Blog Hijacking and a question.

So, as regular readers may have gathered, the Captain is away. You may remember he was hoping to blog on the go thanks to the marvels of dongle technology. Sadly, his technological prowess being what it is ... (hee hee!) he's not been able to make it work. And you know what they say, while the cat's away ... mwha ha haa haaa. Actually, that's not quite right, is it? But as I've temporarily hijacked his blog I can say what I like. Oh yes!

It's been a while since I blogged here, largely because I kind of ran out of boaty things to say. However, following mine and Tilly's recent brief stopover with the Captain and Jeff at Whaley Bridge, I have a New Thing to say. Actually, it's more of a question really. I want to know if you use any canal friendly soap products while aboard and those of you who do, what are they and where do you get them from?

Knowing that my shower and washing up water drains directly into the canal has made me want to use products that cause as little damage to the water and environment as possible. I can't be the only person who thinks like this but I have had enormous difficulty tracking down environmentally friendly products. Nothing in my local, or even not so local shops, seemed suitable. It also took much rummaging on t'interweb to track anything down but eventually I found Faith in Nature. I'm not over sure about the science but I do like the products and they seem to be the sort of thing I'm looking for.

But what do the rest of you think? Do tell.


Sue said...

Also a little closer to home is NB Tia with a selection of what you are looking for.

nbJubilee said...

nbJubilee uses Ecover products which are available from Supermarkets.

nbJubilee said...

nbJubilee uses Ecover products which are available from Supermarkets.

belle said...

Sue - brilliant, thanks!

nbJubilee - thanks again, unfortunately my local supermarket has a very limited range of Ecover though I do buy what they have.

Dr D said...

Now, now, Belle, you know that hijacking the Captain's blog is a serious offence under maritime law, in fact on the next level to mutiny on the high seas. I assume the Captain is cruising down the cut just now in blissful ignorance. But I should warn you that you can expect to find yourself in chains on his return (does he go in for that sort of thing, I wonder?)- or maybe just in tucks, I don't know. Anyway in Ahab's magnum opus "Comprehensive Law of the Narrow Boat" the penalty for this offence is laid down as writing out the complete works of Shakespeare. There is however provision in exceptional circumstances for the sentence to be commuted by the Captain to ten minutes hard labour in the kitchen making him a mug of tea on his return. But then you might just prefer the former...

Halfie said...

I remember reading that all detergents etc. these days have to conform to various environmental standards, and that the so-called environmentally friendly products are no better than others. You just pay a lot more for them!

belle said...

Dr D - now now, you'll just have to continue wondering about the Captain and the chains because I'm certainly not telling! And you know very well that he makes a much better cup of tea than I do so it would be more of a punishment for him to endure if I were forced to make one. As for Shakespeare, nothing that way related will ever be a chore ...

Halfie - interesting point. Do you have any further reading on the matter? Something along the lines of 'Noddy does science' would be perfect because I'm a numpty when it comes to such matters.