Sunday 17 May 2020

Churchbridge Branch

Churchbridge Branch

The Churchbridge Branch ran parallel to Houghton's Chemical Arm, extending for almost exactly the same distance. It left the old main line slightly to the east of the south eastern entrance to the Oldbury Loop, near Valencia Wharf. To date no photographs have emerged showing how it looked.

The best I can offer is an aerial image covering the entire branch, including the waste heap mounded up over the centre section.

Churchbridge Branch with Oldbury beyond

Cropped in version of same photo from BCNS Archive

The above photos have been assembled from various sources, including those freely found on the internet. My thanks go to the many photographers alive and dead who have contributed to this collection and in so doing, are keeping the memory of these lost canals alive. These images are reproduced for ease of research are are not necessarily the property of this blog, and as such should not be used for commercial gain without the explicit permission of the owner (whoever that may be).

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